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A brand-new picture book about storytelling and the power of creativity

Help! We Need A Story is a lovely, crafted story with beautiful illustrations by Carnegie-nominated and Klaus Flugge prize-winning artist Mariajo Illustrajo.


It’s a dull day in the jungle and Artie the macaque’s friends are bored, bored, BORED! But with paper, pens and ink, a splash of inspiration, and a pinch of imagination, Artie creates something magical…a book! Filled with hordes of zombie hens, a fire-breathing dragon and robot sharks, Artie’s newly created book busts the friends’ boredom, and the next day they can’t wait to do it all over again.


It will help children in your classroom feel inspired by the animals creating their own stories and will encourage them to use their own imaginations and create their own stories.


It's an adventure filled with humour, heart, and the power of storytelling. In a time when storytelling seems to be losing its magic, this book serves as a timely reminder of its enduring significance. Children from birth to lower Key Stage 2 will enjoy this story about the power of storytelling. I am looking forward to sharing this book with children at school, knowing that it will spark their own creativity in inspiring them to create and write their own stories with the friends around them.

- Helen Deering, Just Imagine



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Men in Black meets Invasion of the Bodysnatchers meets Ben and Jerry's


your basic BONKERS comedy sci fi superhero monster musical EXPLOSION!

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Hiya! I'm James. I live in Middlesbrough and I'm a writer. (I'm the one on the left.) I write bonkers adventure stories for anyone who wants to read 'em!


I've written two crazy, hilarious novels so far: The Unbelievable Biscuit Factory, which won the New Writing North Children's Novel Award in 2019, and Happytown Must Be Destroyed which never won nothing but I still love it dearly. They are both published by Hachette.


My first ever picture book, Help! We Need a Story, is OUT NOW, published by Little Tiger. It's about a monkey making up stories to amuse his friends. It is semi-autobiographical. It's got a disco submarine, a robot shark and plenty of pink ice cream. Something for everyone!


Praise for The Unbelievable Biscuit Factory:


"It’s funny, very funny, and it rattles along like a demented train. ☆☆☆☆☆"


"A hilarious debut! ☆☆☆☆☆"


I hope you read it some time, I think you'd like it.




Hola! I'm Jeff. I'm a llama. (I'm the one on the right.)

I haven't written any books but please check out my Soundcloud thx.



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Welcome to The Unbelievable Biscuit Factory: a short, pointless film

Home: Video


©2022 by James Harris. Proudly created with

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